About my gender

(via Hillary Tan)

Some of you already know this - I’m genderqueer.

My name is Ellis, and my pronouns are she/they. I am a non-binary and transfeminine person; non-binary meaning that I feel that I do not fit into the gender roles occupied by either men or women, and transfeminine referring to the idea that I am and wish to be more feminine in my presentation.

I am incredibly grateful for my non-binary partner, for being amazingly patient with me, for dealing with all of the problems I faced in this journey, and for showering me still with their love and acceptance; I’m grateful to the community, to my colleagues and bosses at Reuters, to my former schoolmates, and to my ex-lecturers Samuel and Hedwig for their support and understanding. 

I’m using this page as a directory of sorts for essays on my journey. I hope you read them with the desire to understand; I have barely begun the process, and there is a modicum of uncertainty that scares me at times.

Compared to some of my peers, I have only had a fairly short time in my attempt to understand myself.

Things will change, but I am certain that I will be the same. 

I am forking my old essays into the Tumblr blog where they were originally hosted, but under a different name - ellis-ralsei.tumblr.com.